CHANGE has been a prevalent word in the last 5 years of my life. I moved to a new city, went back to school, got married, moved to a new home, ended jobs, started new jobs, and the most recent, gave birth to my sweet baby boy, Elliott. Also in the last 5 years I have been a part of a wonderful church family at North Heights. Through these years we have faithfully walked with the church through many transitions, and the church has seen us through some of the most important moments of our lives.
When the Lord says stay, we stay. When He says go, we go. We should not be surprised when He asks us to move. “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens...” (Ecc 3:1) I tend to hold things loosely when it comes to where God calls me, because I know that my position, my job, my purpose is ultimately His. When God calls me somewhere, I ask for His eyes and His heart for the people in that season, and I passionately take them where He leads. What a privilege it is to call this my vocation; I get to take people with me into the presence of God and lead them in worshiping Him. Wow.
And then there’s God’s timing and plans. It’s time to enter into a new season. It’s time to go. What a blessing the last five years have been. I have experienced so much growth through the teams I worked with and the amazing people who have invited me come alongside them. But now we feel the Lord releasing us into something new.
What’s next? Next is a time of grieving as we leave a beloved church family who have surrounded us, prayed for us, and encouraged us. Ahead of us is a time of abiding, dreaming, hoping, and believing. Ahead of us is a time of walking forward and waiting on the Lord to reveal each step. It’s a time to be unsettled in our own plans and ready for His creative purposes.
To our family at North Heights: we love you and pray blessings over you.
Time for a change.